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BfN-e-dition -
Institutional repository of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bonn, Leipzig, Insel Vilm)

The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation is the federal government’s scientific authority for nature conservation and landscape management. We supervise projects, implement international agreements, provide research results and data, and advise policy-makers and administrations. BfN is one of the four government’s departmental research agencies and reports to the German Environment Ministry (BMUV). The BfN has its headquarters in Bonn, the two field offices are located in Leipzig and on the Isle of Vilm.

BfN-e-dition is the institutional repository of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, and serves as a place to permanently archive the institution’s publications.

You will get access to:

  • All previously published volumes of the series "BfN-Skripten", with volume 631 under the title "BfN-Schriften", focusing on topics in the field of nature conservation and landscape management. Most materials are available in full text and free of charge as open access (OA)publications.
  • All bibliographic data of the print publications in the series "Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt".
  • All publications of the "Rote Liste Neuer Zyklus" (starting at NaBiV 170/2) are available in full text free of charge.
  • Articles of the journal "Natur und Landschaft", will be made available in full text after a embargo period of one year (only 10 months from 1 January 2025) after the initial publication.